Tori Green: Who are you? What do you do?
Sheri Green: I'm Sheri Green, 54, a mom of 3 adult creatives, with hubby for over 34 years, was a fit model and entrepreneur in NYC for 20+ years and have been a certified life coach since 2019. So I've been an entrepreneur for 27 years.
Tori: What was your first business (including running your own business)? How long did this last or are you still involved in the same business?
Sheri: After college, I modeled for Boss Models in NYC (1yr), did public relations for Michael Kors (3yrs), was a fashion magazine editor (2yrs), ran a fashion design biz (8yrs) and was a fit model (21yrs). Now I am a certified life coach (3yrs)
Tori: Biggest challenge? How did you get through it?
Sheri: My biggest challenge is practicing self-care and not using all of my energy on everyone else leaving nothing for myself. I am also, for the first time ever, learning to have a healthy mindset around money and feeling that I deserve to be financially free by working with my own coach. It is a process.
In business, it was 9/11. It destroyed our first worldwide shipment, ruined us financially and forced us to find partners. As we expanded, we needed new partners who could afford our growth. Our final partner stole all of our money and left the country. We lived off of credit for 2 years.
Tori: What is something that you wish you could go back and tell yourself before starting this
Sheri: Learn to take better care of yourself and your money. Invest wisely. Learn to budget. Money does not equal love.
Tori: What did you do before owning your own/running your business?
Sheri: I was a model, a PR associate, a fashion editor and a new mom
Tori: What/who made you take the first leap?
Sheri: Daddy had a dream to have his own fashion design business and I wanted to "own my days' as an entrepreneur so our goals aligned. He quit his corporate job and our youngest was 1 so with an initial investment from my mom, we started a business.
Tori: Who was the first to believe in you and give you real support (financial/sweat equity)?
Sheri: Grandma (financial) & Richard (sweat equity)
Tori: Was this your dream job? If not, what was?
Sheri: I love(d) being an entrepreneur but not necessarily in fashion but I wanted to support daddy since that was his dream. Helping and supporting people in my coaching practice as well as creating healthy mindset and healthy body lifestyle content is pretty dreamy
Tori: Why did you get into this field?
Sheri: I was always the person that my friends & family came to for advice and support from school age to present. I knew I had a gift for truly aiding someone in becoming super clear about what they wanted then crafting a plan to get it. My calling and my passion is to support and help people when they can't get there on their own.
Tori: What is your biggest failure that you turned into a success?
Sheri: I don't consider anything a failure but a meaningful lesson presented at the perfect time to learn it. I'm constantly learning. Failure is always a step to success. This doesn't mean that I don't stumble and fall and find myself learning the same lessons over and over because...well...I guess I'm still learning. It's damn frustrating sometimes.
Tori: If you could change one thing about your life today for the better, what would it be?
Sheri: I would have learned to invest & better manage my money in my 20s so I wasn't playing catch-up in my 50s. I would be debt-free and have a healthy investment portfolio (stock market and real estate)
Tori: How is your life/work balance? Body, mind, and soul weekly routine?
Sheri: Work/life balance is something I'm constantly trying to improve.
Moving to LA has definitely helped.
I spend needed time outdoors, hiking in nature 4-6x/wk.
I am really trying to be consistent with meditation. It feels so good when I am.
I practice yoga 4-6 times/wk
Tori: Do you say/write out affirmations?
Sheri: I would love to be more consistent but I do sometimes
Tori: When was the last time you tried something new/ Stepped out of routine?
Sheri: I don't do this often altho I did just move across the country and began a new life.
I began creating life-style content a few months ago
I'll be launching a youtube channel this spring about love, life and vegan cooking
Tori: Favorite book that changed your life?
Sheri: Ask and it is Given - Abraham Hicks
Tori: Do you think your gender gives you an advantage or disadvantage in today’s world?
Sheri: Who I am transcends gender. I am intuitive, creative and fiercely loving which plays out in my personal and professional life in the best ways
Tori: Have you experienced different treatment from your peers of the opposite sex?
Sheri: I've always felt either objectified or have been looked at as not as smart or too emotional
Tori: Thoughts on the glass ceiling?
Sheri: It's alive and well
Tori: What advice would you give your children/ future children about succeeding in a patriarchal society? If you could talk to a young boy/girl from your hometown neighborhood who aspires to have your career/job/focus what would tell them? Advice.
Sheri: You can do anything you want. Listen to your intuition. Use your B&B. Be authentic and true to yourself. Put you first and don't settle. Put happiness first. Do what you are passionate about doing and the money will follow. Celebrate all your wins (big and small). Stay grounded and appreciate the things that really matter to you in your heart and soul. Surround yourself with a support system, people who believe in you, encourage you, challenge you and who have your back. The people you surround yourself with are what you will become so choose your circle intentionally.
Tori: Fun fact about you?
Sheri: I stay very calm in emergency situations when everyone else is freaking out.
I love 80s hairband music
I can only write poetry when I'm miserable
I eat my food in a circle so I'm sure to have one bite of each part of my meal left for last
Tori: Number one piece of advice you remember?
Sheri: Don't give all of your time and energy to working on someone else's dream, work on your own
Tori: Anything else to add?
Sheri: If you're interested in learning how coaching could benefit you in reaching your goals and dreams, reach out for a complimentary strategy session and $500 off any program. Just put "TORI sent me!" in the subject and email
Tori: Anything coming up for you that you want to talk about?
Sheri: Be an OG and subscribe to our new youtube channel launching this spring where you'll see:
- easy vegan recipes
- juicy relationship advice
- positive mindset coaching
- healthy lifestyle hacks
- special guests and more!
Tori: Where can we find you online?
IG: sheriandderek
TikTok: sheriandderek