Tori: Who are you? What do you do?
Megan: My name is Megan. I own a crystal/mineral business, and am a Reiki Practitioner
Tori: What was your first business (including running your own business)? How long did this last or are you still involved in the same business?
Megan: My first business is The Earth’s Gems. We sell crystals and minerals online. I own the company with my sister. We have had that company for over 7 years. I also started a new business called The Astral Divine. A business targeted towards healing. Reiki, Crystal healing, and Meditation.
Tori: Biggest challenge? How did you get through it?
Megan: When you are starting a new business, you are also deciding to change you. The most
challenging thing was to decide to leave my medical career job on the back burner and become
an entrepreneur. It took me years to leave that chapter behind. It was taking a toll on me emotionally and physically. I knew where my heart was.
Tori: What is something that you wish you could go back and tell yourself before starting your
Megan: To leave something behind that is no longer serving you. Once something disrupts your peace, it’s time to let it go. That time spent on a career that I did not 100% enjoy I could have focused that energy on my business. The fear of the unknown is what was stopping me.
Tori: What did you do before owning your own/running your business?
Megan: I was a medical assistant and surgical tech for a plastic surgery practice.
Tori: What or who made you take the first leap?
Megan: Honestly it was my intuition. My whole life I have been an empath and helping others was my passion. My love for crystals was there from the time I was a child. I was in a career that I did not love and wanted something that I would enjoy and bring in revenue.
Tori: Who was the first to believe in you?
Megan: Besides my family, most importantly it was MYSELF.
Tori: Is this your dream job? If not, what was?
Megan: Yes
Tori: Why did you get into this field?
Megan: I wanted to share my passion for crystals with the world. Crystals are a tangible connection that we have to earth’s natural elements and energy. While crystals are aesthetically pleasing in their form, their true beauty lies within their healing and cleaning properties.
Tori: What is your biggest failure that you turned into a success?
Megan: Times that I did not listen to my intuition. Each time that happened I learned a lesson.
Tori: if you could change one thing about your life for the better?
Megan: Travel more, experience the world
Tori: How is your life/work balance? Body, mind, and soul weekly routine?
Megan: This is something that is very important to me. I do not allow myself to be buried with my work life. Balance is something so important for my mental health. I do allow myself a lot of alone time. I meditate, do reiki on myself everyday.
Tori: Do you write out affirmations?
Megan: Yes every day!
Tori: When was the last time you tried something new/ Stepped out of routine?
Megan: December, I decided to take a huge leap and completely stir up my life. Quit my job on a whim.Did ayahuasca which changed my life.
Tori: Favorite book that changed your life?
Megan: Soul Love by Sanaya Roman gets you in touch with your soul place and opens your heart to love for yourself and others.
Tori: Where can we find you online?
Megan: @theearthsgems @theastraldivine @xmegan_leannx