Tori Green: Who are you? What do you do?
Adelia Acker: I’m Adelia. I have an OnlyFans and a podcast called That’s OFfensive! I’m trying to venture out to Snapchat tv and to Youtube and Tiktok but so far my OnlyFans and podcast are the only things that make money.
Tori: What was your first business (including running your own business)? How long did this last or are you still involved in the same business?
Adelia: I worked 2 sales jobs after college before I started my OnlyFans. I already had an instagram following so it was pretty instant gratification and money to be able to start my first podcast and then eventually start my second.
Tori: Biggest challenge? How did you get through it?
Adelia: I think my biggest challenge was before I even started my OnlyFans which was people’s opinions about me. I was living in Scottsdale where people are quite conservative and weren’t approving of girls with OnlyFans. I also had to consider my relationship with my parents since it turned into war every time I’d post a rave photo growing up and they’d call me a whore, slut, etc. I had to come to terms with what I wanted to do vs what everyone else wanted me to do
Accepting myself for who I am has been extremely hard too. Accepting my body type, my personality, my downfalls, etc. I’ve always been really insecure because I don’t seem to fit in many places. I feel like when I say no, I’m going to lose friends. I feel like when I’m struggling with my mold poisoning and always tired, people aren’t going to like me.
It’s been a lot to feel comfortable in my own skin and accept myself through ups and downs. I’ve gone to life coaching, therapy, and acupuncture but I think life coaching and acupuncture helped me the most.
Tori: What is something that you wish you could go back and tell yourself before starting this journey?
Adelia: I wish I could go back and tell myself that it is not my responsibility to make everyone happy and my responsibility is to take care of my mental health before anything else. No one is going to make me happy except myself.
Tori: What did you do before owning your own/running your business?
Adelia: I worked as an outside sales representative walking door to door at a logistics company.
Tori: What/who made you take the first leap?
Adelia: Acid and a pure hatred of my job. I was throwing up every week and having stomach issues.
Tori: Who was the first to believe in you and give you real support (financial/sweat equity)?
Adelia: My piano teacher believed in me when I was really young and thought I had soooo much talent in piano. I never really liked piano but it made me realize I was smart and capable of doing shit.
For onlyfans, it was sexi cacti and she talked to me for months before making one!!!
Tori: Was this your dream job? If not what you’re doing, what was?
Podcast, Youtube, Tiktok, OnlyFans!
Tori: Why did you get into this field?
Adelia: I felt like my sexuality was always being suppressed growing up because of strict parents and a religious upbringing. I always felt my most confident showing off my body and being able to express myself freely.
Tori: What is your biggest failure that you turned into a success?
My relationship with my father and I turned my daddy issues around for the better.
Tori: If you could change one thing about your life today for the better, what would it be?
Adelia: To always have confidence in myself and my decisions
Tori: How is your life/work balance? Body, mind, and soul weekly routine? Do you say/write out affirmations?
Adelia: Work life balance is definitely off right now. I work every day and I haven’t gone out in a minute. Every time I try to get into the routine of doing affirmations and journaling, I stop after a few days because I get anxious knowing I should be doing it but then don’t want to be. I’m really good at doing them when I’m depressed because I don’t want to off myself but when I’m in a good headspace it gets really hard to take care of myself because I have so many ideas of what I want to do.
Tori: When was the last time you tried something new/ Stepped out of routine?
Adelia: My acupuncturist had me try to be really present when I eat meals by listening to meditation music and just focusing on the eating. That gave me horrible anxiety so I stopped. I tried having a nighttime routine that involves epsom salt, journaling, and meditating, but that didn’t last long. Routines are just very hard.
Tori: Favorite book that changed your life?
Adelia: With my ADHD, I really really struggle to read or even listen to audio books. I genuinely always thought I was stupid because I could read the same page or listen to the same page 5 times and have no idea what I just read. Still a struggle today.
Tori: Do you think your gender gives you an advantage or disadvantage in today’s world?
Adelia: I think women are still highly oppressed but I think being a woman is an advantage right now. Being able to make money off of sex work to focus on my dreams is almost unheard of when being a man.
Tori: Have you experienced different treatment from your peers of the opposite sex?
Adelia: No, not really. The guy friends I’ve been able to find are the most loving and loyal ass dudes who don’t give a shit if I’m popping my pussy on the internet. It was definitely different back in Arizona but not in LA or San Diego. But, when I go out, I try to be a very asexual person to not let anyone make moves on me
Tori: Thoughts on the glass ceiling?
Adelia: Not sure what that is.
Tori: What advice would you give your children/ future children about succeeding in a patriarchal society?
Adelia: I don’t plan on having kids but I would tell girls to set your boundaries and to set them firm. Men aren’t being mean to you because it’s their weird way of showing they like you. You aren’t being dramatic for holding your own.
Tori: If you could talk to a young boy/girl from your hometown neighborhood who aspires to have your career/job/focus what would tell them? Advice.
Adelia: First of all fuck the conservative Manhattan Beach parents who are all up in your business and basically bully the kids too. I’d say just really focus on you and if school isn’t what you’re passionate about, figure out what you are passionate about and spend your time and energy on that.
Tori: Fun fact about you?
Adelia: I’ve been Miss California 3 times!
Tori: Number one piece of advice you remember?
Adelia: Fuck the haters!
Tori: Anything coming up for you that you want to talk about?
Adelia: I can talk about my awful relationships with men, figuring out where it rooted from (my parents and low self esteem). Mold poisoning and how I knew something was off and doctors didn’t believe me for a while but I was always so dehydrated, fatigued, etc and it was very hard to start doing onlyfans bc my face got so incredibly puffy that I didn’t feel comfortable in front of a camera for a long long time. I’ve gone on content trips where I didn't want to shoot because I was embarrassed of my face. I can talk about having an emotionally abusive family and being sent to rehab and having ptsd and how I've learned to cope with it.
Tori: Where can we find you online?
Adelia: across the board